Friday, August 04, 2006

Put the wind back in your sales.

Sustainable energy is something that every country in the world should be seeking, especially because of the depletion of fossil fuels and the conflicts in the Gulf area. In South Africa, where land is abundant and climates are temperate, this form of energy has strangely been neglected. Until now. Cape Town has teamed up with foreign investors to install a number of these turbines outside the city to combat the huge energy shortages experienced this winter('06). The Darling Wind Farm will have an initial 10 turbines which will save 100 000 tonnes of coal and 60 million litres of water over a 20 year period. These wind turbines will supply 13 200 Gigawatt hours of energy which translate in 13 .2 billion Kilowatt hours. All at the reasonable extra cost of 25 cents per Kilowatt hour used by the consumer. Think Green, think clean!


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