Radio Ga Ga

Yeah I'm a sucker for radios, I don't know why but I absolutely love them. From the little kitchen ones to the shouldered Ghetto blasters. They are like little boxes of personality that become friends that just keep broadcasting. Portable, selective and an off switch. Great invention! Oh, almost forgot this one is from the MoMA Store and retails for the price of 1 MILLION DOLLARS,...sorry couldn't resist,...its only R350.
I love how tiny and compact it is...the color is so vibrate as well.
I believe that was a little bit of a slip....sometimes you just can't resist them.
Phew!...I must be the gentleman and bow out of this and admit defeat. Worthy opponent. Until we meet again.
I know what you mean about radios. I have beautiful ones, but keep hearing little voices telling me to buy a Tivoli radio. I just heard I'm getting a 13th cheque...
I must be honest, Tivoli doesn't turn my dials. I have heard the quailty and it is ok but I think it will get old quick. Clicks has a great looking "similar" design for 200 bucks. 13th cheque for me has to be spent on an experencial gift that you waill always remember. Because it is a bonus after all.
my spelling is terrible...sorry!
I went and gazed upon the Tivoli at Bright House yesterday, and then went home and looked at my beautful brushed metal JVC mini component system and wondered what on earth could be wrong with me for lusting after something new when the one I have is so gorgeous already (except for the remote control). Could it be a mid-life crisis?
Nah, just the allure of shiny cool objects that like a magpie, draws a designers to spend their cash. Buy a harley if its a midlife crisis, a radio won't solve anything. hahaha!
Ja, a mid-life crisis might be funny when you're in your mid-twenties, young man, but let's see what happens when 40 is gazing hungrily into your baby blues.
Anyway, if I'm going to have a mid-life crisis, I think I'll go for something a little less obvious than a Harley. One of these, perhaps?
Jaguars are ok...I have already planned my midlife crisis and it includes the Bentley Continental GT Coupe...I can dream can't I?
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